Sport City [al Hillah, Iraq] : Once near the ancient site of Babylon, this modern day city of Hillah was one of the few sites under consideration for a national futbol stadium in Iraq. The proposed development program was more than a singular building, it contained the need for a “Sport City” to supplement the stadium. The proposed plan incorporates a mixed-used program of spaces, places and buildings. The concept and layout of the plan relates to ancient Babylonia, and the broader range of Mesopotamian architecture, which is classified by a number of planning and design principles. Below are a list of ancient natural and built elements and how they were abrstracted and translated for purposes of this plan:

Euphrates River

Sport City
Championship stadium
Central pedestrian walk
Buildings to define edges, spaces
Gates for crowd control, ticketing
Boulevard canals, irrigation
Reflecting pool at stadium

Brett Payton planned and designed this proposal while a consultant for another firm.